Message Preview | 1 > 2 – Part 1| What is Oneness?
By Don Gentry
Can God really make a difference in my marriage? I have only been alive for 44 years now, but one thing I have noticed is that church people and unchurched people both go through ugly divorces, and lives get horribly damaged in the mix. I have also seen some great marriages in and out of the church. So, can God really make a difference in my marriage?
This coming Sunday we are kicking off a series called 1>2. It is all about helping us understand what God intended for marriage. Marriage is and was designed to be an incredible gift to mankind as it was supposed to be a reflection of who God is and His love. The problem of sin and selfishness, first evidenced in the garden of Eden, has destroyed marriages and relationships ever since. But it has also tarnished our reflection of God to this world.
How do Christians and non-Christians alike both have good marriages? Because they espouse the oneness that God intended for marriage to reflect. If you don’t know what I am talking about then I guess you better join us on Sunday so that you too can enjoy the fullness that God originally intended through the gift of marriage. Whether your single, single again, married, or married again, this series is for you as we uncover the truth of what God intended through the covenant of marriage.
The answer to whether God can make a difference in your marriage is YES, but you need to join us Sunday so you can find out how!
I hope to see you then.