Message Follow Up – $4,500 Given Back to Take A Step Towards Generosity
By Matt Dawson
Over this past weekend, Journey Church decided the best way to challenge everyone to take a step towards generosity was to lead by example. Between Huntersville and Denver churches, we dispersed 335 envelopes with $4,500 dollars in them back to those who attended our services. The envelopes had $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100 in them as well as some cards to use that simply say “#HopeLKN: A Gift of Hope from Journey Church.”
As a church, we don’t have this kind of money budgeted to give. As a matter of fact, we’re currently not even meeting our YTD budget and are only 44% of the way to our End of Year giving goals. However, we’ve been incredibly blessed as an organization over the last 5 years and we believe those blessings give us more responsibility to be an example of sacrificial generosity.
Our prayer is that every individual who received an envelope yesterday is already praying over when, where and who God will bring into their path to #bless with this gift of hope. We are asking that you will even consider adding your own money to this gift to be a bigger blessing to someone in need this Christmas and Holiday season.
Jesus tells us in Matthew 25:29 “To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away.”
Join with us in prayer for those taking a step towards a generous life! Share your stories with us (here) or email us at so we can celebrate with you as you begin to experience the self-contained JOYFUL satisfaction that only comes through a life of GIVING! (Acts 20:35)